Thursday, April 30, 2020

d66/d36 Backgrounds for Ghoul(ish) Characters.

Image: Ghoul leaning on a headstone, a human skull at its feet.
Talisman board game character by Gary Chalk.

Motivated by this post on Alone In The Labyrinth, and because I haven’t done a d66 table in a while, some archetypes/ backgrounds/ careers for Ghouls. And a possession for each, for extra seasoning.


‘My Ghouls are not like your Ghouls’: just because you’re a mouldy necrophage doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. They are Neutral in simple alignment terms, and with similar extremes of good and bad as in humans. Average or better Normal Human Intelligence.


There are more Ghoul-kin in the world than you think. Some never fully fledge, but they do gravitate towards professions and lifestyles where the border between Humanity and Ghouldom narrows down.


Some scholars believe that the transformative Ghoul-venom is simply a hyper-concentration of (or a catalyst for) something already present within Human germ cells or even in the environment itself.


System and setting neutral (the original of the Silent Performer was Pre-Talkies Vamp), but the Tanner specifically references D&D adjacent Ghast (big smelly Ghoul). There’s nothing particularly gonzo here – I generally prefer things to start off grounded in the mundane.


Reorder if you prefer a different spread of probability; I just put numbers against a list I made.


11.  Compulsive Gourmand.

You just had to taste it all.

Custom-made utensils.

12.  Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dog’s Tails.

You are (or were) a rather lovable but rather creepy little kid.

Something precious or A raggedy animal(?) companion.

13.  Avuncular Surgeon.

Plenty of business and very little waste.

Meticulously maintained tools.

14.  Cheery Gravedigger.

An upstanding and necessary member of the community.

            A merry tune to work by.

15.  Night Owl/ Insomniac/ Somnambulist.

You either just like being out and about at night, or you are compelled to it.

You don’t know, you just picked it up.

16.  Kind-eyed Mortician.

An upstanding and necessary member of the community.

Modest, out-of-the-way premises.

21   Jolly Butcher.

A fine upstanding and necessary member of the community.

The respect and confidence of your neighbourhood.

22.  Unassuming Animal Slaughterer/Deboner.

No reason for you not be covered in gore and brains.

Gauntlets, apron, hammer, knives.

23.  Professional Mourner.

You might just stand unintroduced and unobtrusive at a respectful distance.

Lead-and-iron sistrum, ashes-and-sackcloth, thick knotted rope or Appropriate mourning garb.

24.  Silent Performer.

Subtle or exaggerated, feted or despised.

High-contrast make-up, possibly A pair of white gloves.

25.  Wandering Balladeer.

Mainly ‘orrible murder, dead true loves and gallows confessions.

Inky fingers and Dramatic flair.

26.  Anatomist.

Medical expert or enthusiastic amateur.

Bag full of knives.

31.  Reanimator.

Not necessarily successful.

Not necessarily medical equipment.

32.  Demoniac.

Real or imagined.

A mouthful of pins and beetles.

33.  Berserker.

What you do might be accepted or overlooked.

Mercenary’s license.

34.  Scavenger.

It just seemed like a natural progression.

Grappling hook.

35.  Survivor.

You did what you had to, then you missed it, then you craved it.

Ground razor-sharp, a highly polished human thigh bone.

36.  Hermit/ Eremite.

You just want to be left alone.

None of your business.

41.  Necrophile.

You love the dead, but don’t necessarily love the dead.

Antibacterial fungicidal soap (pleasantly scented) or A little book of poems.

42.  Corpse Eating Cultist.

Whether it’s why you joined or one of the inner mysteries, it’s what you’re doing now.

Secret sign.

43.  Careless/ Carefree.

You’re going to get into trouble sooner rather than later.

Inaccurate threats of blackmail.

44.  The Descendant.

Scion of an accursed and ancient line, the sins of the fathers made flesh in you.

Antiquated signet ring or Dusty legal documents.

45.  Cannibal.

You already eat people when they’re fresh.

Alarming cutlery.

46.  Murderer.

You’ve already gone this far.

Not all of the incriminating evidence.

51.  Ministering Angel.

Your care of the sick, old and injured is legendary.

Natural talent for healing.

52.  Aesthete/ Hipster.

Absolutely committed.

Something you wouldn’t have heard of.

53.  On Patrol.

You’ve got a very good reason to be poking around after dark.

Badge to flash.

54.  Florist.

You smell nice, everyone notices that about you.

Warm beds of moist earth.

55.  Accomplished Chef.

You even know how to prepare lamb Amirstan.

A Cookbook; it’s a Cookbook!

56.  Tanner.

You smell …strongly, everyone notices that about you.

Ghast stench, if you like.

61.  Dedicated Brewer/ Vintner.

They joke that you sleep in the cellars with your barrels.

Signature beverage with humorous name.

62.  Survivalist/ Prepper.

You found a solution for one of the likely problems.

Not as much food or medical supplies as was expected.

63.  Cruel.

Even your peers think you’re loathsome.

A hold over people in a particular circumstance.

64.  True Innocent.

You don’t understand why they’re going to burn you, nor they why they weep.

Tangible blamelessness.

65.  Veteran.

Opportunities of war in lands near and far.

Conversation pieces, maybe a necklace of them.

66.  Hum-Ghoul.

Mummy and Daddy both love you very much.

A little reminder of the parent you don’t lair/live with.





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