Tuesday, December 1, 2020

OARD: Monster Conversion - BECMI D&D to Call of Cthulhu 5e

I recently did a CoC to D&D conversion for Mi Go, and mentioned the Oards as a front for the Mi Go - so here's a version in BRP format. 

OARDS, Cat's Paws of the Mi Go.

Grown in vats, augmented with technology, the Oards are the things behind most of the commonly recognised types of UFOnaut -and some of the more bizarre Men in Black encounters- using cloaking devices and cerebral dampeners to manipulate human witnesses. 

Physically, Oards are humanoid and very similar in appearance to each other. Diversity of appearance is dependent on cultural expectations of the intended human audience. Oard technology can be used to disguise their appearance or to confuse human senses, but this is a projection rather than a changing of form. 

Their general appearance, behaviour and technology will superficially reflect the historical background of your game, and what people at the time were describing/ experiencing when they encountered an unidentified flying object and/or its crew - aliens, fairies, German spies, Napoleonic troops, flying saucers, rockets, airships, ornithopters, balloons, even boats lifted by evaporating dew.

Oards are intelligent and self-willed, but are the creations of the Mi Go and ultimately serve them, consciously or unconsciously. Only the Mi Go know whether the Oards are the source of or are built on the template of the cross-culturally common characteristics of the UFO abduction/encounter experience.

Oards do not know that they are constructs of Yuggoth, and believe themselves to be a galaxy-spanning civilisation of ancient pedigree. The lack of clear cross-references in Mythos sources concerning the Mi Go suggests that the Fungi have either been successful in hiding their authorship or that the creation of the Oards is of a comparatively recent date.

All Oards are programmed not to harm or interfere with the Mi Go. An Oard encountering a Mi Go will either be utterly unable to detect its presence, or immediately stop what it was doing and await orders. A Mi Go can command an Oard to harm another Mi Go, but rival Fungi can match POW to wrest control from each other.

Humans can be converted into Oards. The process is comparatively simple for the Mi Go, and an Oard body is sometimes used instead of a brain cannister. If carried out by the Oards, conversion is much more protracted (it can be done over several years and multiple procedures) and much more like torture - it has more to do with Mi Go terror-tactics than efficiency.

Most Oards are STR, SIZ and INT 10, with those having 13 SIZ and 14 INT representing leader types. 

STR 18 Oards are combat/ invasion ready - it has no bearing on their apparent rank.

STR 10 or 18    CON 20     SIZ 10 or 13     INT 10 or 14     POW 0     DEX 13

Hit Points 15 or 16              Damage bonus nil or +d4     Move 8


  • Air Rifle: 95%, range and damage as whatever is the best similar projectile weapon available to the characters for their historical period, but preferably one that they do not possess or have easy access to.
    • Smoke- and heat-less, nearly silent, and the ammunition can be envenomed, drugged, explosive etc.
    • 6 shots when fully loaded.
  • Flame Pistols: 100%, 2d6 + sets fires 
    • Discharges a 20' streamer of burning gas - Dodge or block.
    • Fully charged, good for 6 shots.
  • Ray Glove: 100% for single shot in a combat round, 50% each for two, 30% each for three, d6+1 and ignores most armour, up to at least late 20th Century Earth tech.
    • You can attempt to Parry or grapple to push it away in melee, otherwise Dodge, Jump or get behind good solid cover.
    • A single shot has an effective range of as far as the Oard can see.
Armour: Minimum damage from impales. Unaffected by terrestrial poisons and venoms. 

Immune to mind-reading, mind-control and emotion - except when caused by Mi Go or some kind of genius computer hacker.

Oards may wear a protection belt that generates an invisible personal forcefield - this becomes especially common from the 1960s onwards.

This gives 10 armour points vs. frontal attacks from hand weapons and directed energy (including explosions), and complete protection from non-magical projectiles (either deflecting or dropping them, you decide).

The wearer is unaffected by extreme environmental heat & cold, and has limited anti-gravity - they can descend straight down 50' without harm, can cross 20' of water or similar without danger of sinking, and walk across any distance of snow, sand, dust or similar without hindrance and without leaving footprints 

Spells: None - Oards do not use or understand magic. 

In a pre-modern (and/or magic-heavy) setting, their technology will be seen as magical.

Skills: Abduct 100%, Cattle Mutilation 99%, Probe 100%, Resistance is Futile 80%, Misunderstand Human Subtleties 95%, Misuse Human Artefacts 35%, Appear Benevolent 15%.

Habitat: It seems likely that they maintain secret bases on the Earth and its Moon, not being truly extra-terrestrial. Oards will sometimes be in the entourage of Mi Go, or disguised Mi Go will be mixed in with the group.

Sanity Loss: To see the true form of an Oard, 0/d3; to be abducted, 0/d6; to survive conversion, 0/d10; to discover that Oards are a front for the Mi Go, 0/d6.

Using Oard Technology.

The short answer is that you can't - Oards interface with much of their equipment through cybernetic implants, so their weapons are unlikely to have something as simple as a trigger to squeeze, nor their computers a keyboard and mouse.

Partial Oard conversion or a surgical intervention by the Mi Go could equip a human to use Oard equipment - while possibly to the character's advantage, this will be to create more useful minions.

If even this seems too generous, you can rule that this is part of Nyarlathotep's portfolio and will be done only to further the designs of the Outer Gods - or to simply further humanity's plunge toward bloody chaos and extinction.

I wish these two were holding hands so they could exchange long protein strings - if you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it.


The Oards are time-travelling aliens from the 1985 BECMI module Where Chaos Reigns by Graeme Morris (CM6 UK). They're androids or cyborgs, combining technology with their organic body, that are attempting to prevent the development and ascendancy of magic on the world of Aelos by interfering at critical points in history.

Which seems to me like the kind of thing the Mi Go would do.

I've seen unsupported statements that they were the prototype for the Borg in Star Trek, but they seem more likely to be descendants of the Cybermen from Dr. Who.

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