Saturday, January 18, 2020

d66/d18 Wight Cloaks, Crowns and Eyes

[Edit 21/06/2021 - Replaced table to deal with display incompatibility across browsers; added a little to the descriptions]

Wights are the mysterious and ancient barrow dead. Formal, mannered, honourable, even courteous, in their own way; Wights are also brutal, vengeful and quick to take offence - many still driven by the office they held in their deep, dim, mortal past.

Use any RAW wight you like, but I look to Dragonwarriors for my ur-wight, with a pinch of the meorty from the Dark Sun setting (particularly the one in pseudo-Elizabethan dress, 2nd edition, I think) - I like them pseudo-Celtic/Viking for the older ones, and medieval/late medieval for the Stranded Isles (17th/18th Century rough equivalent).

Give them an enormous, blunt two-handed sword to drag, sparking against the flags, or a vast, branching bow that no mortal living could hope to draw, then pick or roll to dress and crown them, and put in their eyes before letting them loose.

(2d6) A Cloak of ...

1st d6 (1 to 2) 2nd d6:

  1. Boiling darkness that cannot be driven off
  2. Dust & cobwebs
  3. Faces (living or dead, stitched and/or stapled)
  4. Feathers
  5. Fine cloth
  6. Severed Fingers

1st d6 (3 to 4) 2nd d6:

  1. Flayed human(oid) (possibly undead)
  2. Fur, luxurious or gore-stiffened (possibly prehistoric)
  3. Severed Hands (living or dead)
  4. Hair & eyeballs
  5. Reptile hide
  6. Tatters of cloth

1st d6 (5 to 6) 2nd d6:

  1. Tatters of own flesh, more than it should have
  2. Teeth (living or dead)
  3. Trail of frost that limns everything as it passes
  4. Whole animal pelt (possibly undead)
  5. Worms (living or dead)
  6. Writhing mist that clings to the Wight

(2d6) Crowned With ...

1st d6 (1 to 2) 2nd d6:

  1. A Living Thing
  2. Antlers
  3. Bony growth
  4. Copper
  5. Crystal growth
  6. Dead and dying roses

1st d6 (3 to 4) 2nd d6:

  1. Electrum 
  2. Gold 
  3. Gorgeous flowers
  4. Horned 
  5. Iron 
  6. Lead

1st d6 (5 to 6) 2nd d6:

  1. Silver
  2. Skull(s)
  3. Snakes 
  4. Starry 
  5. Thorns
  6. Vines & leaves

(2d6) The Eyes! Those Terrible Eyes ...

1st d6 (1 to 2) 2nd d6:

  1. Blinding light pours out when open
  2. Burning coals
  3. Carved from stone
  4. Closed with coins
  5. Cyclops
  6. Distant cold stars

1st d6 (3 to 4) 2nd d6:

  1. Empty sockets 
  2. Feline, blazing
  3. Filled with worms
  4. Gemstones
  5. Held in hands
  6. Orbiting the Wight, possibly more than the expected two

1st d6 (5 to 6) 2nd d6:

  1. Out on stalks
  2. Ovine, glowing
  3. Sad, weeping
  4. Sewn shut
  5. You cannot meet their gaze
  6. Your own eyes looking back at you

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